We will completely prepare you for the ABRSM exam for all grades from 1-8. We will teach all the concepts, and connect them to real music, and build your confidence entering the exam. Through our unique method, you will quickly build your music literacy and a well-roundedness required to succeed on the ABRSM exams. This program will be helpful both to students who have taken an exam before, and especially for students taking the exam for the first time. As well as music theory, there are many other areas that we will develop that are needed to succeed on the exam, and in all of life. These include: problem solving, analysis, interpretation, logical thinking, reading comprehension, understanding the questions, giving the correct answers, avoiding common mistakes, and using tips and tricks to your advantage. Through our approach, you will be very confident in your learning, more able to play music, and confident in taking your exam. We cover levels from 1-10, with specific programs tailored to every level and core concept. Ask for more details.